A picture of the desert with text on it.

We have a goal:

safe and responsible Arizona firearms owners created through common sense education, legislation, and competition

Join Our Efforts and Become a Part Of ASRPA

A painting of a man in uniform holding a rifle.

The Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association looks forward to hosting the 133rd Washington’s Birthday Match!  This exciting event remains a great opportunity to engage with our avid shooting community and enjoy Arizona’s great outdoors.

CLINIC AND PRACTICE: Saturday, February 22, 2025 will include a Beginner’s Clinic in the Berger Building (1,000-yd range)  at 8:00 AM and shooting from 200-yd line in the afternoon following class instruction. Squadded practice is available Saturday afternoon to anyone not in the Beginner’s Clinic and will conform with the Beginner’s Clinic timeframe.

 MAIN MATCH: Sunday, February 23rd, 8:15 AM start time; competitors should arrive no later than 7:30 AM and plan to stay all day.

RANGE LOCATION: The Ben Avery Shooting Facility High Power Range, 4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ  85086. 1/2-mile West of I-17 on Carefree Hwy (Exit 223).


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