Arizona State 3200 Smallbore Conventional Prone Tournament
March 23, 2024 @ 8:00 am - March 24, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
Arizona State 3200 Smallbore Conventional Prone Tournament
NRA State Championship Match March 23 & 24, 2024
Sponsored by the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association
Hosted by Desert Sharpshooters Rifle Club
NRA Registered Tournament
Location: Ben Avery (Black Canyon) Shooting Facility, 25 miles north of Phoenix, AZ. ½ mile west of I-17 on the Carefree Hwy. (exit 223). Competitors will enter through the main gate on Carefree Highway. Facilities: Soft drinks, water and hot dogs are available on the public range, but you are advised to bring your own lunch. Accommodations: Camping is available at the range.
Rules: Current NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules will apply. Rule 3.2 defines the rifle to be used. Eligibility: Any competitive shooter. NRA membership is not required to compete in this match. Non NRA members cannot set National Records. All competitors must be paid up members of the ASR&PA. ($25.00 for adults, $10.00 for juniors). If a competitor does not wish to join the ASR&PA, he / she may pay a $5.00 match membership fee. All competitors must show their ASR&PA membership card at the stat office when they are obtaining their squadding or pay the 5.00 match membership fee. Advanced Entries are required: All entries must be paid in advance. Individual Entries: Make entry in individual events on the attached Registration & Entry Form (include NRA ID#). Entries MUST be accompanied by check or money order made payable to ASR&PA (Not Desert Sharpshooters). Those unable to attend will be refunded upon request, less a $10.00 service fee. Entries Close: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Entries received after this time are considered late entries and will be accepted to fill vacancies on existing relays. Entry Limits: 90 Individual entries.
All individual matches Saturday & Sunday adults: $75.00
All individual matches Saturday & Sunday juniors: $25.00 (no awards)
Saturday or Sunday (any one day only), adults: $50.00
Saturday or Sunday (any one day only), juniors: $25.00
Scoring: Competitors may be required to score. Any competitor failing to perform Scoring duties may be disqualified. Challenge Fee: $3.00 will be charged for each challenge and paid at the time the challenge is requested. The challenge period for the last match of the Saturday will end at 9 am on the Sunday. Challenges on Sunday will end 30 minutes after the final scores are posted. Empty Chamber Indicator: Approved NRA “empty chamber indicators” are required to be used at all times except during the preparation time and firing of your relay. Those not having an ECI may purchase one at the stat office for $1.00 each. Competitors: Competitors must furnish their own target-mounting clips, will hang their own unfired targets and pull their own fired targets. Competitors will identify their targets and backers in the upper right-hand corner of the front face of each target and backer with their firing point number & correct and complete match information. Classification: NRA Conventional Smallbore Prone Classification will be used. Rule 19.6 “Assigned Classification” or 19.2 – Temporary Classification may be Used. Those unclassified or without proof of classification will be required to Compete in the Master class. Current NRA F-Class rules will apply in
regard to equipment and there will be no classes, categories or division of rifle. If there are fewer than 3 competitors in a class, that class will be combined with the next higher class.
Practice Firing: The match fees do not include Ben Avery Range fees for individuals practicing before the match. Those wishing to practice on Friday March 22nd must pay a $15.00 range fee at that time. Practice firing will be after range set-up. Those helping set-up will have fees waived.
Firing Time: Firing will begin at 9:00 AM both days. Time limits for firing and changing targets follow NRA rules. Competitors should plan to arrive by 8:00 a.m. to allow sufficient set up time. Squadding: All matches will be pre-squadded. Squadding will be posted on the range before the match starts. Firing points will not be changed once the match has started. Be prepared to show NRA Smallbore Rifle classification card. There may be a limited number of firing points available. If the number of entries exceeds the number of firing points available, a second relay may be required. Awards: Cash will be given to match winners and the high scorer in each class that has five or more entries. If there are fewer than five entries in any class or category they will be combined with the next higher class or category until a combination of classes has at least five entries. There will be an Optic Sight and F-Class division on Saturday and Sunday and awards will be given if there are enough
The targets for conventional prone are: A-23 (50 yards), A-25 (100 yards), and A-26 (50 Meters).
The F-Class targets are: A-50 (50 meters) and A-33 (100 yards) only, there will be no stages at 50 yards.
Course of Fire:
Saturday, Metallic Sights
Match 1 – Dewar Course
Match 2 – 40 shots, 100 yards
Match 3 – 40 shots, 50 meters
Match 4 – 40 shots, 50 yards
Match 5 – Metallic Sight Aggregate Sunday, Any Sights
Match 6 – Dewar Course
Match 7 – 40 shots, 100 yards
Match 8 – 40 shots, 50 meters
Match 9 – 40 shots, 50 yards
Match 10 – Any sight Aggregate
Match 11 – Grand Aggregate of Matches 5 & 10