The ASRPA Civilian Anti-Terrorist and Survival Course (Active Shooter/Terrorist Survival) Manual (DOWNLOADABLE ITEM). Developed in 2016 by an elite group of trainers with diverse backgrounds, ASRPA President Noble Hathaway commissioned this group to write a course for the average citizen to understand, and easy for an experienced, perhaps overqualified instructor to teach and relate to his/her students.
This course is not only for those carrying firearms. Many discussions and illustrations on survivability in lots of settings and many different scenarios are covered. This is a excellent course for mature teens, parents, and grandparents concerned with the active shooter/terrorist movement in our Country.
There is a practical firing test if the student wishes to participate and the entire course is friendly to novice students by design. A great course for civic, church and other organizations, or can be taught as a private lesson.
Only offered and available to ASRPA Certified Trainers.
THIS IS A DOWNLOADABLE ITEM. Upon completing the purchase of this item you will receive a separate email with download instructions and a link to the purchased Manual. You may download this Manual two times.